
NEUROFEEDBACK  (also known as EEG [electroencephalogram] biofeedback, is a therapeutic intervention that provides immediate feedback from a computer-based program that assesses a client’s brainwave activity. The program then provides sound or visual signals for the client to regulate and improve their brain function and to alleviate symptoms.
General Information:  Psychology Today



Nicholson (2020)  A randomized, controlled trial of alpha-rhythm EEG neurofeedback in posttraumatic stress disorder: A preliminary investigation showing evidence of decreased PTSD symptoms and restored default mode and salience network connectivity using fMRI.   Neuroimage Clin.  Evidence for normalization of brain network function for subjects with PTSD treated with neurofeedback with significant remission of symptoms.

Ros (2014) Tuning pathological brain oscillations with neurofeedback:  a systems neuroscience framework.  Front Hum Neuroscience
